The HEFOP camp program of the Amrita OBK Association, see the Association at:
The HEFOP camp program and the HEFOP 2.2.1 "Education of Social Workers" project, aiming to train 25 social experts in the Cserehát region by the Social, Cultural and Educational Association for Equal Education of Children in Disadvantageous Situation (Hungarians and Roma) in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemlén County (BHIM RAO Association). Check at:
The loan helped the Parno Graszt Group to make to the Indian world music festival (Rajasthan Folk Festival) in the organization of the Roma Camp Goes to Heaven Traditional Association. Check the Group at:
Supporting the operation of Dr. Ámbédkar Secondary, Vocational and Adults Elementary School maintained by the Dzsaj Bhím Community, where more than 200 students were educated in 2008-2009; in its Sajókaza seat and also in Ózd and Hegymeg. See more about the Community at:
HEFOP 2.1.9 non-official schooling program of the Roma Civil Law Association of Jászság. See the Association at:
Supporting the operation of the Klebelsberg Kuno Elementary and Vocational School, which provided vocational education for 100 students in Tomor in 2008-2009.
To establish a social cooperative as part of the Hungarian Antipoverty Network and the Szécsény Chance for Children Program (SzGyeP). See the Foundation
HEFOP 2.1.9. non-official schooling program of the Association Helping Roma Integration at Maros (MARCISZ).
Starting the TÁMOP tender of the Romero Association called "Second chance complex employment reintegration program in the Mezőcsát small region". Part of the overall aim of the program is, in excess of decreasing the unemployment, to increase the social solidarity and the acceptance of Roma population, further to help the education and employment, improving the social reintegration of Roma and non-Roma unemployed people alike in the areas affected by the program and belonging to Mezőcsát small region.