The Movement for Desegregation Foundation established and operates an anti-discrimination signal system based on, among others, information given through the toll-free green number of 06-80-204-894 in connection to harms caused to Roma children in schools. As part of their project "With Music Against Segregation"a video clip and a spot of 30 seconds have been made to be broadcasted as a non-profit advertisement, which can be watched on our homepage. The third project "Examination of Qualifying Roma Children Under State Care Defective" is under preparation.
We have also subsidised a project of the Roma Civil Rights Organization in Jászság called "Come and See" National Tour Against School Segregation. Roma and non-roma activists visited 24 locations where discrimination against Roma children was assumed. The list of the villages and towns to be visited by people dedicated to the programme was established based on a study made by Mr. Gábor Havas and Ms. Ilona Liskó on school segregation, since according to the findings of researchers nowadays there are around 900 elementary schools in Hungary with inappropriate and discriminating practices, such as segregating Roma children within the school, or operating a separate Roma school. Our Foundation has financed the costs of eight locations of the Tour, helping the representatives of the Organization to visit inhabitants in Baja, Békscsaba, Egyházasharaszti, Fadd, Geszt, Győr, Komló and Makó. The programme can be checked at
We have also supported the "Together For us Jointly" project of the Rom Som Foundation, whose aim is to serve the Roma population of the Cserehát area, to improve their living standards. The Foundation has mainly cooperated with Roma communities, local leaders and active Romas in Alsóvadász, Homrogd, Lak, Selyeb, Szakácsi and Tomor. The community house operated by the Foundation is the only place in the region where the Romas can use the Internet, get help in preparing applications to be submitted to various authorities, furthermore, students studying in digital secondary schools can prepare their homeworks received via the Internet. In excess of the operational costs of the community house we have subsidised the nurturing and travelling costs of children participating in the HEFOP non-official schooling programme, further the fulfilment of the indicators of the HEFOP 2.3.1 (employment and alternative labour market education of people in disadvantageous situation) by making it possible to charge the costs of employment on our Foundation. The Website of the foundation:
We have also supported the informatics development of Radio C Minority Programme Provider Kht. The programmes of Radio C are prepared by Romas to Romas and non-Romas in accordance with public service principles. Radio C, as a community radio, focuses on interactivity and personal participation - both important for Romas. Radio C can be listened to in Budapest and its region (FM 88.8) and can be reached via the Internet:
The Roma Civil Law Foundation prepared a situation analysis in 20 locations and then their supported aim was to plan complex, mainly employment projects and write tenders. The Roma Civil Law Foundation can be checked at:
The Chance for Children in Disadvantageous Situation Foundation (CFCF) organized their "Start-line" camp. 67 children arrived from different points of the country, from 11 locations (Alsószentmárton, Berettyóújfalu, Budapest, Csörög, Kaposvár, Kecskemét, Kerepes, Miskolc, Nagykanizsa, Nyíregyháza, Sajókaza) to the camp in Balatonmáriafürdő. Half of the children were Romas of 8th grade participating in the Start-line Programne (helping students to get into secondary schools of good reputation with high school graduation possibility and also monitoring their studies up to graduation). The other half were to-be Start-line students of Roma schools integrated as results of law suits conducted by CFCF. See CFCF at:
We have also supported the European-Hungarian Law-Sociology Educational and Research Foundation "Roma Law Clinic" project. The programme organises joint courses for students of different universities (economists, lawyers, sociologists) cooperating with special economist and lawyer colleges (Bibó and Rajk) and the Social Sciences Faculty of ELTE.
The Hungarian Antipoverty Network Foundation: a programme has been started as part of and the first pilot test of the National Children Antipoverty Programme, SzGyeP. One of the priorities of the programme is to improve the parents' employment. Following the detailed examination of the possibilities in Szécsény small region and considering the national and international experiences, the Foundation's conclusion was that the chances of "traditional" market oriented increase of permanent employment is very limited without the positive development of the country's economy. The importance of establishing an interest fellowship, i.e. a social cooperative creating employment possibilities and a new cooperation model, was conceived. From our donation the Foundation can get the statutes of the cooperative prepared, together with the necessary negotiations and the preparation of five business plans. See the Foundation at: