Social Reports

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Social Report 2007

Social Report 2008

Excerpt from our Social Report 2008:

Short summary of the social activity

The Polgár Foundation for Equal Opportunities was founded in 2007 as a private foundation. The purpose of the Foundation: helping the integration of people living in socially unequal circumstances, especially the Hungarian Roma people by complex education, employment, art, health and social programs, and contributing to other organization's similar initiatives.

To achieve this goal we contributed to the following programs in 2008:

  • The Movement for Desegregation Foundation built and operates an anti-discrimination signal system, including the toll-free number 06-80-204-894 which can be called in relation to the Roma children suffered harm in school. The "With music against the segregation" project finished a video clip and a 30-second social purpose spot, which can be seen on our website. The third project "Investigating the process of declaring Roma children in state care as disabled" is under professional preparation. In 2008, the amount paid for support: 4,789,000 HUF.
  • We contributed to the Jászsági Roma Civil Rights Organization "Come and See" country-trotter tour against school segregation project, under which 24 settlements were visited by Roma and non-Roma activists, where supposedly Roma children suffered discrimination. The villages, towns to investigate were selected in line with the studies of Gábor Havas and Ilona Liskó - engaged to the program, as the researchers concluded that about 900 primary schools in Hungary today uses a somewhat negative practice, such as the separation of Roma children within the school, possibly operates gipsy-schools separately. The Foundation funded the costs of eight stations of the tour, including Baja, Békéscsaba, Egyházasharaszti, Fadd, Geszt, Győr, Komló, Makó inhabitants were visited by organization's representatives with our help. The program is available on the Internet In 2008, the amount paid for support: 4.000.000 HUF.
  • The Rom Som Foundation, "Together for them jointly" entitled project was also supported, with the aim of serving the Roma population living in Cserehát, improve their living conditions. The recipient cooperated with the active Roma residents, local leaders and Roma communities of Alsóvadász, Homrogd, Lak, Selyeb, Szakácsi, Tomor. The community center operated by the Rom Som Foundtion is the single platform in the area, where Roma people have internet access, can have administrative assistance for applications submitted to various authorities, as well as those going to digital high school, can prepare their homework got on internet. Beyond the community center operating costs we supported the kids participating in HEFOP education program with their meal and travel expenses. We also helped meeting the HEFOP 2.3.1 - which is a project for the training and employment of disadvantaged people in alternative labor-market - project indicators by offering the opportunity to account the costs of employment of employees towards our Foundation. The Rom Som Foundation is available on the Internet . In 2008, the amount paid for support: 2,000,000 HUF.
  • We contributed to the IT development of Radio C Minority Broadcaster Kht. The programs of Radio C are prepared by Romas and non-Romas following the principles of public serving. Radio C as a community radio concentrates on interactivity and personality, which are playing important role in Roma people life. To get the station in Budapest and the suburbs: FM 88.8 and it is also available on the internet: In 2008, the amount paid for support: 790 000 HUF.
  • The Roma Civil Rights Foundation selected 20 municipalities of disadvantaged micro-regions where they assessed the current situation and needs. Then the supported 5 villages were offered help in planning employment projects and tender application. The Roma Civil Rights Foundation is available on the internet at: . In 2008, the amount paid for support: 3 500 000 HUF.
  • The Chance for Children Foundation (CFCF) implemented the Rajtkő camp. Children arrived from all over the country from fourteen municipalities (Alsószentmárton, Berettyóújfalu, Budapest, Csörög, Kaposvár, Kecskemét, Kerepes, Miskolc, Nagykanizsa, Sajókaza) at a total of 67 children stayed in the camp at Balatonmáriafürdő. Half of the students were participants of the Rajtkő Program (main point: helping the children to get to reputed secondary schools and follow their studies until the high-school graduation), the remaining part of the children are about to be participants of the Rajtkő Program coming from those schools where CFCF managed the integration of gipsy-schools by lawsuits. CFCF is available on the internet: In 2008, the amount paid for support: 785 000 HUF.
  • European-Hungarian Lawsociology Education and Research Foundation Roma Education Research Project - "Roma Lawclinics" project was also supported. By the program there are common courses organized for students at different universities (economists, lawyers, sociologists), with the help of Colleges (Bibo and Rajk), as well as with the co-operation of ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences. In 2008, the amount paid for support: 1 868 000 HUF.
  • Hungarian Anti-poverty Network Foundation was launched as a part of the National Program Against Children Poverty- as a first implementation of it. One of the main priorities of the program is increasing employment of the parents. After a detailed assessment of the potential of the Szécsény micro-region and also taking into account the national and international experience, it was concluded by the Recipient that without a positive shift in the entire country's economy the chances to increase job creation are very limited in a long-term. They stated the importance to create a social association, which enables to develop job opportunities and a new co-operation model. With our support the Foundation realizes the articles of association, the related negotiations and five business plans. The Foundation is available on the Internet: In 2008, the amount paid for support: 300 000 HUF.
  • The Democratic Roma Association was supported in its activity to restore 16 houses of the nearly 100 houses in bad conditions at the Alsóvadász Roma settlement. The houses to participate were selected by the local society with a democratic process on the basis of means-test. Our Foundation with the help of constructing companies collected building materials, donations, laid a charge on professionals (carpenter, mason), and undertook other organizational tasks in this program. In 2008, the amount paid for support: 95 000 HUF.

For further details, check out the Social Report 2008 (PDF).